Monday, September 04, 2006

MyBrother & Foggy Walks

Labor Day this year is one of those every 7 year times when my brother Ed and I celebrate our birthday. Yeah that's right, I'm now officially 57...doesn't feel a whole lot different than 56, but it is the official anniversary of the "labor day" my Mom had with the two of us 57 years ago.
The day started off with Ed coming to church with us and listening as I preached. We haven't had the ability to be together for a long time for that. Then, in the afternoon, we ate together, played cards, and had a "birthday cheesecake" that Kelly made for us. I don't remember the last time we celebrated our birthday together, so it was a special day. So, sincerely, Happy 57 years Brother! Ok...there's no correlation between My brother and the Foggy walks. As of writing this he doesn't seem to be in any kind of foggy walks. What I'm adding on to this is that one of the things that Linda and I have done recently is take the camera with us on our early morning walks. I should edit that to say that Linda takes the camera with her on our walks, which means we do less walking and more camera shooting. Still, it's been interesting to see some of the pictures she's taken with the early morning fog settling over our farm land less than a mile from our house.
The fog often settles in over the horse pasture on the farm near us.
Tully loves the horses, especially when they gallop...thinks they are big dogs!

Oh yeah, here's Tully...with me after one of our most recent walks...he always comes along and lives for the morning time with us outdoors. Yes, he's getting bigger!

1 comment:

Brianna Dederich said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Elliot. :grin:

A good friend of mine ( whom you may have met, or probably will meet ) named her new kitten Elliot. I've got to say, it made me giggle.

( this is the young one formerly known as Brianna Spransy, by the way, hehe )

How was your first day of class?
