Monday, October 16, 2006

Granpa Elliott

We are celebrating some good news. We were sitting around on a Sunday afternoon a week ago, having a belated birthday dinner for Andy's 21st, and Chris announced that Sarah was probably pregnant (or at least were fairly sure they were expecting at that time). They only needed to take a EPT at home...which they did that night. Needless to say that was great news around the table. Linda blurted out some noise and had a smile that stretched from ear to ear. She's been waiting a little while for this, so I could understand her joy.
SO...the next morning Linda awakes all bright and chippy. She is smiling, unusually happy and talking about how the world is all of sudden brighter. I'm groggy, barely functioning, and head out to the kitchen to turn on the coffee maker. Eventually she comes out all dressed, happy, talking about how neat it is that there's a baby coming...she hopes. She looks at's 6:30 in the morning...and says, "Do you think it's too early to call Chris and Sarah to see what the test showed?" I go, "Huh?, you gotta be kidding..." AND I SWEAR...within 10 seconds the phone rings. She leaps to her feet and sprints to the phone, and after a calm "hello", she shrieks! I just smiled, and said, "tell Chris congratulations..."
I am going to be a Grandpa, and the woman I love is going to be one happy Grandma!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulation Elliott - God knows you're old enough :-)

Love - Jim