Sunday, June 20, 2004

A Family Weekend at Triple Creek

Rest, Sabbath, Renewal, Celebration...all of these have the same thing in common. The idea is to find enjoyment in our relationships. First our relationship with God the Father and then our relationship with each other.
On Thursday, Lindsay, Andy, Linda and I journeyed to No. Illinois and the retreat of Triple Creek Ranch. Chris and Sarah came on Friday afternoon and Kelly and Greg showed up on Friday evening. The perfect party!
It's not the first time we've been there since we started making family retreats back in 1991 or 92? This is a beautiful place overlooking a valley of wide open views. The house, Valley View, is tucked neatly into a southern exposure of trees on the side of a hill. It's quiet and beautiful...trademarks of retreat. No TV means a bit of withdrawal from noise, and no computers means a withdrawal from electronics. The Cell phone doesn't work in the Valley... which means we enjoyed the time together without any of the trappings of distractions.
We walked, talked, ate and played games...lots of games. "Killer Bunnies" is the favorite in our household these days and it travelled with us. We celebrated... Celebrated Greg's birthday, Father's Day, and Lindsay!
Lindsay is the reason why we went there. She has but two days left before she is off to live in England. We will see her in August, but it will be at her wedding. So, we're happy to have the time to just celebrate her in our family. I for one will miss her more than I can ever write or say... then again, so will everyone else.
It was a sweet weekend and I'll not forget the fun and sweetness of family sharing a memorable weekend together.

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